North*Northwest Law Group:
UW Consultancy Program




15 min read


UX Design


Visual Design


Supervisor: Brian Johnson

1 UX designer

1 engineer team


Mar 2023 - Now


UX Design


Visual Design


Supervisor: Brian Johnson

1 UX designer

1 engineer team


Mar 2023 - Now


UX Design


Visual Design


Supervisor: Brian Johnson

1 UX designer

1 engineer team


Mar 2023 - Now




As part of the UW consultancy program, I served a regional legal firm in the capacity of a UX designer, assisting them in reimagining their trademark-based webpage.




Despite significant investments in time and money, the trademark website failed to attract potential customers effectively. According to Google Analytics, users spent an average of merely 17 seconds on the website, and a meager 5.46% of visitors even opened the application page.

Despite significant investments in time and money, the trademark website failed to attract potential customers effectively. According to Google Analytics, users spent an average of merely 17 seconds on the website, and a meager 5.46% of visitors even opened the application page.





The website underwent a total overhaul, leading to a better individualized and reliable brand appearance. The application page conversion rate stunningly hit 100% based on the assessment prior to the relaunch.

The website underwent a total overhaul, leading to a better individualized and reliable brand appearance. The application page conversion rate stunningly hit 100% based on the assessment prior to the relaunch.


Method: competitive analysis, user testing, affinity mapping

Target Audience

Informed by our analysis of the marketing data and our client's strategic business plan, we have refined our focus to encompass four distinct audience segments:

Small Enterprises

Small Enterprises



Local Businesses

Local Businesses

Non-profit Organizations

Non-profit Organizations

Competitive Analysis

I conducted a comprehensive UX audit comparing our trademark application website with two prominent law firms(Legal Zoom and Gerben).

Findings: What they excel?

  1. Strong social proof

  2. Brand-aligned visual design

  3. Clear layout and navigation

User Testing

To prioritize user-centric design over personal preferences, we conducted a user test using Maze. For this assessment, we enlisted 30 participants aged between 30 and 60.

Affinity Map

Findings: What users complain about?

  1. Low Credibility/Trust

    It is also evident that "58% of the testers continue to harbor reservations about online law services due to concerns over potential scams. "

  1. Complicated Registration Process

    Participants were frequently complaining about the heavy and intense content on the application page.

  2. Lack of Contact and Support

  3. Unclear Pricing


Pain Points

As gleaned from the user testing, we have distilled the primary pain points into the following four key areas:

Design Goals

Following research, we engaged in a collaborative discussion with our client to establish our shared design goals, which are outlined as follows:

  • Enhance website content for enhanced credibility

  • Enhance clarity and intuitiveness in the application process

  • Craft compelling unique selling propositions

  • Establish robust customer contact and support

  • Help improve conversion rate towards the final application


Method: HMW, information architecture, wireframing, prototyping


  1. HMW enhance website content for enhanced credibility?

Add customer testimonials/ use real photos/ add about us page

  1. HMW streamline and clarify the application process?

Use sub navigation/ label each step clearly

  1. HMW build better connection with customers?

Add contact page/ chatbot/ FAQ section

  1. HMW optimize pricing strategy?

Clarify pricing package/ compare with major competitors

  1. HMW improve conversion rate towards the final application?

Highlight CTA buttons/ increase CTA repetition/ appropriate CTA placing

Information Architecture

Informed by user testing and thorough research findings, we undertook a comprehensive overhaul of the website's architecture.

Green parts are added/revised after reorganization

Enhance Credibility

Solution 1: Add customer testimonials

Solution 1: Add customer testimonials

Solution 1: Add customer testimonials

Solution 2: Add about us page

Solution 2: Add about us page

Solution 2: Add about us page

Simplify Application Process

A glimpse of how intense and heavy the application form was…

A glimpse of how intense and heavy the application form was…

A glimpse of how intense and heavy the application form was…

A glimpse of how intense and heavy the application form was…

Solution 1: Use sub navigation

Solution 1: Use sub navigation

Solution 1: Use sub navigation

Solution 2: Step-by-step process

Solution 2: Step-by-step process

Improve Pricing Strategy

Solution 2: Step-by-step process

Improve Pricing Strategy

Solution 1: Clarify pricing package

Solution 1: Clarify pricing package

Solution 1: Clarify pricing package

Solution 2: Compare with major competitors

Solution 2: Compare with major competitors

Solution 2: Compare with major competitors

Provide Better Contact and Support

Solution 1: Add contact page

Solution 1: Add contact page

Solution 1: Add contact page

Solution 2: Add FAQ section

Solution 2: Add FAQ section

Solution 2: Add FAQ section


We are presently in a phase of anticipation as we await the completion of the website rebuilding by the engineering team.





Design System


Highlighting the importance of UX design and the motivations for sticking with specific methodologies is crucial when interacting with non-tech savvy individuals.

We once utilized the Raleway font family, but we've made a final switch to Roboto, deeming it more fitting for legal service sites.

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